Our 3rd Besedim evening will take place on thursday October 24th from 8 PM to 10 PM.
Where: online via besedim.be - MyBesedim
20h00-20h20: General introduction (Dr. Edouard Hosten)
20h20-20h40: Heat-related illnesses (Dr. Brecht De Tavernier)
20h40-21h00: Vector-borne diseases (Dr. Stig Walravens)
21h00-21h30: Climate Change and its impact on Disaster (Medical) Response (Prof. Dr. Ives Hubloue)
21h30-22h00: Strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Eds (Dr. David Grimaldi)
FREE FOR MEMBERS (but need to register), 25 euro for non-members.
Accreditation for ethics & economy.
For those interested, here’s an insightful narrative review and podcast about the impact of climate change in emergency medicine that you can explore as preparation:
After the Besedim evening, we plan to establish a working group focused on emergency medicine and climate change. Anyone interested in contributing is welcome to join! If you're interested, feel free to send an email to news@besedim.be.