COMING SOON: An evening with BeSEDiM PART 3 (24/10/2024): Emergency medicine in the face of
climate change (Dr. Edouard Hosten, Dr. Brecht De Tavernier, Dr. Stig Walravens, Prof. Dr. Ives Hubloue, Dr. David Grimaldi)
FREE FOR MEMBERS (but need to register), 25 euro for non-members. Accreditation for ethics & economy.
An evening with BeSEDiM 1 (13/10/2023): Perspectives on triage for unplanned care (Dr Allison Gilbert, Prof Hilde Philips)
An evening with BeSEDiM 2 (11/01/2024): The now and the future of EMS dispatch 112 in Belgium (Dr Regine Zandona, Prof Patrick Van de Voorde)
Those registered (free for members) can access the recording via their mybesedim - evenings (about..)
Our 3rd Besedim evening will take place on thursday October 24th from 8 PM to 10 PM.
Where: online via - MyBesedim
20h00-20h20: General introduction (Dr. Edouard Hosten)
20h20-20h40: Heat-related illnesses (Dr. Brecht De Tavernier)
20h40-21h00: Vector-borne diseases (Dr. Stig Walravens)
21h00-21h30: Climate Change and its impact on Disaster (Medical) Response (Prof. Dr. Ives Hubloue)
21h30-22h00: Strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Eds (Dr. David Grimaldi)
FREE FOR MEMBERS (but need to register), 25 euro for non-members.
Accreditation for ethics & economy.
For those interested, here’s an insightful narrative review and podcast about the impact of climate change in emergency medicine that you can explore as preparation:
After the Besedim evening, we plan to establish a working group focused on emergency medicine and climate change. Anyone interested in contributing is welcome to join! If you're interested, feel free to send an email to